I have found this assignment really enjoyable. First I had to learn how to blog this proved to be alot of trial and error and alot of fun and I am happy to say that I feel very comfortable blogging. I have learnt alot more about what technology is and what I regard as technology before this assignment I did not think we had alot of technology in our infants room whereas now regard toys as apart of that term for example pegs, and puzzles " Technology is also creative and purposeful activity aimed at meeting needs and opportunities through the development of products, systems or environments. Technology is influenced by the culture or society in which it occurs" (Smorti, 1999, p. 6). Doing this blog has also confirmed how important social sciences are in young childrens' learning and development "The skills acquired by young children in the domain of general cognition development have applications for their understanding of self and their social relationships with others, as building relationships with others is central in children's development and well being" (Talay-Ongan & Ap, 2005, p. 71). I also enjoyed that for this assignment we were to look at certain areas for example people, places, things and events and link those to technology and social sciences I felt that this gave me variety to look at the different areas to work "All adults working in early childhood education centres should have a knowledge and understanding of child development and a clear understanding of the context in which they are working" (Ministry of Education, 1996, p. 41). I have learnt so much from reading and following my fellow students blogs. As I work with under two's it was nice to read blog's concerning older children and follow what they were doing. I have enjoyed reading about how they have implemented all forms of technology into their centres, their teaching practices and the social interactions between teacher/child and child/child. The feedback I have recieved on my blogs has been positive and complimentary it is encouraging to hear their views and appreciate their support. I am hoping that my cente manager will soon be allowing us to blog which would be great.
Ministry of Education. (1996). Te whariki he whariki matauranga mo nga mokopuna o aotearoa: Early childhood curriculum. Wellington, New Zealand: Learning Media.
Smorti. S. (1999). Technology in early childhood. Early education, No. 19 Autumn 1999.
Talay-Ongan,. A. Ap,. E.A. (Eds). (2005). Child development and teaching young children. Victoria, Australia: Thompson Social Science Press.