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Infants room at my centre

Friday, October 15, 2010

Blog Three

This blog is about the significance of 'places' to children's learning and development
In our infant room we have certain place's where we put activities for the infants. We have low shevles and low tables so that the infants can retrive what takes their interest and want to explore. This way they can be more independent and have access to for example puzzles, toys, books and muscial instruments placing activites this way stimulates children's curiosity and brain development (McNaughton & Williams, 2004).

E has found a muscial bus on the shelf that has taken her interest so she pulled it. She takes her time looking at in between pushing the buttons the on telephone beside her. Jean Piaget believed that children of the ages of birth - two years cognitive development happened through "co-ordinating sensory experiences (such as hearing) with physical and motor actions - hence called sensorimotor stage" (Santrock, 2008, p. 43).

Through exploring the 'wheels on the bus' E used her finger to open the door. This entertained her for ages the fact that she could open the door with her finger. She loved it!!! E also found that she could move the bus pushing it backwards and forwards.

Then it was back to getting that door open again it was a spring door so therefore it would slam shut if E let it go this she found hiliarous and would giggle and look at me and do it again.


McNaughton,. G. Williams,. G. (2004). Techniques for teaching young children choices in theory and practice. Malaysian: Pearson Prentice-Hall.

Santrock,. J.W. (2008). Life span development (11th ed. International). Boston: McGraw-Hill


  1. Hi Justine,

    I really like the fact that you have low shelves and tables in your centre so that the young children are able to make their own decisions about what they are going to play with. I liked how you were there for E but let her explore herself.

  2. It is great to see that children are encouraged to be independent, and at the same time they got options to choose their own resources. In the early years it is crucial for children to be become independent thus learning self help skills without a hitch. what your centre practices at the moment is a great stepping stone for the infants at your centre. I hope that you will keep encouraging the children to be independent and take responsibility in their learning.

  3. This child was very curious about how this musical bus works. It was interesting to see that babies get in touch with technology when they are very little.

    How would you extend this interest?
